Here are two of my favorite things... Fire Engines and motorcycles, but not just any motorcycle, The motorcycle. Harley-Davidson.
Cedar Fort is right on Utah Route 73 which is a very popular road for motorcycles. It is a long relatively straight country road with long lazy bends and interesting scenery. Not to mention the history. To ride on 73 is to ride on the Pony Express Route, or at least a stretch of it, on your own iron horse.
The other favorite thing in this photo is a fire engine, and let's face it, they are just really cool.
So, it’s not just any motorcycle. :] Can’t blame you. When we think of motorcycles, this is the one brand that always pops in our heads. Why, they gave numerous remarkable trends in the motorcycle industry -- the chopper style being the most popular. :) Anyway, are you a fireman or a volunteer by any chance? ;]